Helping business leaders get a grip of their company and create results through aligned mapping, intentional structures and empowered leadership

Helping business leaders get a grip of their company and create results through aligned mapping, intentional structures and empowered leadership

What We Offer

Through the programs we facilitate and the coaching that we do, we have helped our clients…

  • Align their efforts to achieve their biggest and strongest year to date

  • Go from being on the brink of bankruptcy to becoming debt-free in 2 years

  • Create structures that has allowed CEOs more freedom to do higher level responsibilities

  • Build a high-performing team

  • Creating a better profit structure for their company

  • Develop their leaders into a highly-synergized and aligned team

  • Handle their team members better

  • Set goals along with a strategized way of measuring and achieving these goals

  • And many more…

What We Offer

Through the programs we facilitate and the coaching that we do, we have helped our clients…

Align their efforts to achieve their biggest and strongest year to date

Go from being on the brink of bankruptcy to becoming debt-free in 2 years

Create structures that has allowed CEOs more freedom to do higher level responsibilities

Build a high-performing team

Creating a better profit structure for their company

Develop their leaders into a highly-synergized and aligned team

Handle their team members better

Set goals along with a strategized way of measuring and achieving these goals

And many more…

How we create results

Whether it’s our 1:1 coaching, facilitated team sessions or pur group programs, we follow an intentionally structured process to deliver results.

First is the proper setting of goals and directions. We do this through a complete and holistic mapping process to ensure that the goals and targets we set are not just aspirational but can be achieved with a strategic plan.

Second is setting the proper structures to follow through on this plan including performance management methods directly aligned to the big goals and targets.

Third is contextually-empowered leadership which allows individuals and teams navigate through things out of our control, missed results, issues and specific problems that prevent them from achieving their goals and targets.

All of these processes are done mostly through facilitation and coaching in which our head coach is trained and globally-certified to do so.

Is this for you?

While we do have a general process and programs, we still customize programs specific to what you and your company needs.

Our programs are for you and your company if:

  • Align their efforts to achieve their biggest and strongest year to date

  • Go from being on the brink of bankruptcy to becoming debt-free in 2 years

  • Create structures that has allowed CEOs more freedom to do higher level responsibilities

  • Build a high-performing team

  • Creating a better profit structure for their company

  • Develop their leaders into a highly-synergized and aligned team

  • Handle their team members better

  • Set goals along with a strategized way of measuring and achieving these goals

  • And many more…

If it helps, and it likely will, our programs might NOT be for you if…

  • You do not have your own business. We specialize in supporting business leaders who run and own their business.

  • You’re still in the beginning stages of business you’re still ideating your offer or finding your first set of customers.

  • You’re still in the survival stage of business where the pure focus is just making sales.

  • You’re just looking for another get rich quick scheme

  • You’re looking for someone to give you step-by-step what you need to do (this is not bad, it’s just not what we help with in coaching. This is more of mentoring.)

  • You’re not willing to do the work.

  • You’re not open to coaching and deep diving on tough questions as well as introspection on personal beliefs and issues that may show up.

If you’re still not sure where you’re at, the best option is to schedule a call with us so I can learn more about you and your company and you can learn more about us and what we can offer.

Is this for you?

While we do have a general process and programs, we still customize programs specific to what you and your company needs.

Our programs are for you and your company if:

  • You are a business owner who feels like your business is out of control and it’s taking too much of your energy, time and finances

  • You lead a team whose not very proactive and is still very much reliant on your every word

  • You set business goals but are not able to hit them year on year

  • You feel that there is a lack of structure in your business

  • You have hit (or are afraid of hitting) a plateau in your business

  • You do not feel like a leader or the CEO of your own company

  • You are an owner-operator who runs 80-100% of your business

  • You just want to take your business to your own version of your next level and don’t know how to get it and just need a structured way to make it happen

If it helps, and it likely will, our programs might NOT be for you if…

  • You do not have your own business. We specialize in supporting business leaders who run and own their business.

  • You’re still in the beginning stages of business you’re still ideating your offer or finding your first set of customers.

  • You’re still in the survival stage of business where the pure focus is just making sales.

  • You’re just looking for another get rich quick scheme

  • You’re looking for someone to give you step-by-step what you need to do (this is not bad, it’s just not what we help with in coaching. This is more of mentoring.)

  • You’re not willing to do the work.

  • You’re not open to coaching and deep diving on tough questions as well as introspection on personal beliefs and issues that may show up.

If you’re still not sure where you’re at, the best option is to schedule a call with us so I can learn more about you and your company and you can learn more about us and what we can offer.

Is this for you?

While we do have a general process and programs, we still customize programs specific to what you and your company needs.

Our programs are for you and your company if:

  • You are a business owner who feels like your business is out of control and it’s taking too much of your energy, time and finances

  • You lead a team whose not very proactive and is still very much reliant on your every word

  • You set business goals but are not able to hit them year on year

  • You feel that there is a lack of structure in your business

  • You have hit (or are afraid of hitting) a plateau in your business

  • You do not feel like a leader or the CEO of your own company

  • You are an owner-operator who runs 80-100% of your business

  • You just want to take your business to your own version of your next level and don’t know how to get it and just need a structured way to make it happen

If it helps, and it likely will, our programs might NOT be for you if…

  • You do not have your own business. We specialize in supporting business leaders who run and own their business.

  • You’re still in the beginning stages of business you’re still ideating your offer or finding your first set of customers.

  • You’re still in the survival stage of business where the pure focus is just making sales.

  • You’re just looking for another get rich quick scheme

  • You’re looking for someone to give you step-by-step what you need to do (this is not bad, it’s just not what we help with in coaching. This is more of mentoring.)

  • You’re not willing to do the work.

  • You’re not open to coaching and deep diving on tough questions as well as introspection on personal beliefs and issues that may show up.

If you’re still not sure where you’re at, the best option is to schedule a call with us so I can learn more about you and your company and you can learn more about us and what we can offer.

Who have we worked with?

Industries of the companies we’ve worked with:

  • Business Process Outsourcing companies (BPO)

  • Digital Marketing Agencies

  • Digital product / online course companies

  • Consulting companies

  • Music School

  • Freelancers

  • Virtual Assistant Agencies

  • Insurance Agencies

  • Coaches and Consultants

  • Skincare products

  • E-commerce businesses

  • Accounting firms and Financial consulting companies

  • Tech training and outsourcing

  • Clinics

  • Food product companies

  • Travel agencies

  • Language companies

  • Distribution company

If you see your industry above, then it’s highly likely we can help you.

Don’t see your industry above? We’d love to have you be the first in our list!


Working with us would require the investment of finances, time and energy.

In terms of finances, our programs and coaching starts as low as Php 50,000 to as high as Php 1 Million Pesos.

In terms of time, our programs starts at whole day sessions for up to a year.

And in terms of energy required, it varies depending on where you want to get to, where you currently are, and the specific situations we will be dealing with together.

For us to give an accurate investment of working together, it’s best for us to get on a quick call where we can learn about you and your company and you can also learn about us and our specific offers.


What exactly is “executive coaching”?

Unlike how most people perceive “coaching”, we won’t necessarily be teaching you concepts nor giving you a specific step-by-step blueprint to follow.

You will also not get a motivational speaker or cheerleader.

Coaching is a guided and facilitated process of collaborative discovery through mapping, questions-thinking, and situational empowerment.

Our job is to explore and raise awareness on different aspects of you and your company, create options and solutions and manage the ways in which these are made effective.

In coaching, we will be introspecting, discussing, and basically answering questions which moves us forward all the time.

What is “performance management”?

Performance management in the context of the work we do refers to how we are able to create the systems and structures that allow for us to reach our goals,

Think of a vehicle or a runner trying to get to a certain distance at a certain time.

The goal is clear, if you reach your distance ok or under the time that you set, then you achieved it.

But you really only get to realize that when you’re there at the destination.

Performance management is how you monitor where you are NOW in relation to your goal so you can make the necessary adjustments NOW.

For a vehicle, performance management is like monitoring your speedometer and speeding up and slowing down accordingly.

For running, performance management is like your pace as well as your heart rate so you can adjust at any point whether you have to take a rest or sprint.

We help you create these structures as well as help you make adjustments necessary so you stay on track with your goals.

Do you have any experience in _______?

In terms of industries, you can find a list of the types of companies I’ve worked with above.

For my own experience as an entrepreneur, I only have experience in running a Facebook ads service and training company as well as this coaching company.

While I don’t have experience in all other industries, that does not mean I can’t help.

Just ask our past clients whose industries are outside of my own.


Because as you’ll see in the definitions of executive coaching and performance management above, the way we create the impact we do is through facilitated questioning, mapping and creating structures.

We’re not here to tell you specific answers and solutions to follow but we’re here to help you find them and make them happen.

Can’t I do this by myself?

Yes and no.

Yes because at the end of the day, it is always possible.

And also no because one of the values we coaches and facilitators bring (as in, not just me) is that we are outside of you.

Meaning we are not subject to you and your teams’ automatic beliefs and biases about your company, your industry, your capability, etc.

We are also not attached to outcomes because at the end of the day, it’s not our company’s results we’ll be dealing with, it’s yours.

This is why we also don’t take commission based offers because it will get in the way of how we provide our service.

So yes, you can “do it on your own” and you can also choose to do it effectively.

© 2024 - Julian Canita Marketing Solutions